Friday, November 21, 2014

Terrorism - An Introduction

Most citizens of our planet believe that terrorism is a new concept, developed by malcontents to satisfy their collective frustration at not being able to impose their will on the general population and the peaceful nations of the world.

If that is your view, read on.  Terrorism is a new word for systematic murder, but new it is not.  What we now call terrorism started as a cluster of doctrines and attitudes centered on the belief that government is both harmful and unnecessary.  The start of terrorism, originally called anarchism, may be first found in 19th century France.  It developed among the western nations and spread throughout the world, principally in the early 20th century.¹ Following World War II, anarchism reemerged as terrorism, fed by numbers of  minority groups who felt they had not received their fair share of the spoils of war.

I consider myself a restrained patriot who prefers negotiation to violence, and who detests terrorism.  In my opinion, there is no place in this world for individuals such as Osama bin Laden, Saddam Hussein and their ilk.  That is my opinion and I don’t expect everyone to embrace my views, but there are people in this world who abuse the privilege of dissent. 

The Bergen Record carried a story on October 11, 2001 on a seminar held at the Middle East Institute of Columbia University.  The conduct of the participants and the content of the session was sickening.  Instead of expressing outrage over the World Trade Center mass murder of innocent citizens from the United States and eighty other nations by nihilistic terrorists, far too many participants seemed content with just explaining why it happened – in their opinion.  And why did it happen, you may ask?  The participants’ simplistic answer is that Americans have ignored Muslims and are paying too much attention to Israel.  We were also criticized for the American-supported sanctions against Iraq.  No one, not one participant, expressed any views on the WTC murders and destruction.  They danced around the jetliner hijackings, the destruction of the WTC, and the deaths of almost 6,000 innocent civilians.  They concentrated their discussions on what America did wrong that motivated the terrorists (though they did not refer to them as terrorists) and what America should do to correct its past errors.²   It was a clear case of blaming the victim. 

Keep in mind that this seminar was not organized by Osama bin Laden or Saddam Hussein; nor was it held in a country that opposed America’s love of freedom.  It was an academic operation organized and held at one of America’s most prestigious universities.  I couldn’t help thinking, if this was typical of the views of our institutions of higher learning, we were in deep trouble!  What was especially troubling was the thought that the graduate students of Columbia and other universities are among the people that we are depending on to lead our nation in the years to come.

Before the WTC disaster, a documentary was broadcast on TV where some 6-7 year old Palestinian children met with some Israeli children of the same age as part of a planned survey.  They played and had fun together, and appeared to get along very well while enjoying each other’s company.  As part of the program, they agreed to meet again in the future.       

A few years later, the participants were interviewed again, but this time they wouldn’t even consider being in the same room with their former playmates.  The tide of hate was intense.  One Palestinian girl, who was sweet, dancing and smiling during the first meeting, was now hateful and very angry.  She expressed hatred of all Jews and voiced an interest in dying for the Palestinian cause.  An Israeli boy felt that all Palestinians were pigs who should be killed at first opportunity.³

It must be remembered that these were pre-teenage children.  What happened during the intervening years? What caused this dramatic change in attitude?  We can only speculate, but it would appear that they were taught to hate each other, sufficient to assume that some would cause the murder of their former playmates.

These interviews were conducted somewhere in the Levant, I don’t recall the exact location.  The view could be taken that this was an existing Middle East problem that would take years, if not decades, to resolve.  We could take such a view, but another program presented in the United States during 2002 should erase any such thoughts and, hopefully, raise a red flag. 

In a September 2002 program, 60-Minutes presented a very disturbing program on education.  They had a segment on an American school in the United States teaching Islam to the children of Islamic parents living in the U.S.  There certainly is nothing wrong with that:  I suspect they were trying to show both faces of the same coin to their viewers, but after watching the program, I doubt that they expected to hear what these children told them.

They selected a small group of boys and girls of high school age and interviewed them as two gender groups.  Prior to the interviews, they recorded a discussion with the principal who (upon being prodded on the point) stated emphatically that the Koran specifically forbids suicide.  He did not make the statements conditional.  I have since read the sections of the Koran that he referenced and can find no other way to interpret what he stated.

The children, however, had other thoughts on the matter – especially the girls.  When asked if they agreed with the terrorists that suicide bombing guaranteed a direct trip to Paradise, they said “Yes.”  When asked if, given the opportunity, they would participate as suicide bombers assuming that such participation would lead them to Paradise, they said  “Yes.”  These answers were made with innocent and smiling faces, with no apparent understanding of the death and destruction they were advocating. 

It was obvious that the interviewer was surprised by the answers.  Later, in the program one of the girls’ teachers was interviewed and made aware of the girls’ views on suicide.  She appeared shocked.  I am convinced it was a true reaction and not an act.

Once again, a reminder:  This was an American school in the United States teaching, in part, American children.  Despite the comments of the Principal and the shocked reaction of the teacher, these children were more influenced by the propaganda received from abroad than by what the school was attempting to teach them.

My reaction to what I have presented above and to what follows is that the lasting peace we are striving to achieve is destined to fail.  I have no hope for any lasting peace in the Middle East.  In my opinion, we are in the midst of another religious war fed by the existing adult population and supported by a growing army of misinformed children.  History has recorded past religious wars as the most deadly and long lasting means of killing people.  God help us!

1.  Encyclopædia Britannica Ultimate Reference Suite 2004 CD.
2.  The Bergen Record, October 11, 2001 issue.
3.  Unrecorded documentary, probably presented in early 2001 or in 2002.

July 2004


During November 2004, National Geographic prepared a spread on the World of Terrorism.  The article was far more explanatory than my attempt in the previous article and serves to amplify the depth and seriousness of the terrorist movement.  The author of this article is Walter Laqueur, one of the world’s leading experts on terrorism and guerrilla warfare, recently retired from the Kissinger Chair at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, D.C.  His latest book is Voices of Terror (2004).

“As the new century began, an epidemic of terrorism spread panic around the globe.  In world capitals, leaders fortified their security and curtailed public appearances.  Ordinary citizens felt unsafe walking the streets of major cities, while the terrorists themselves were like phantoms – everywhere and nowhere at the same time, seemingly able to strike at will.  Terrorism became the preoccupation of police and politicians, bankers and business leaders.  Headlines screamed out news of the latest outrage:  ‘WASHINGTON STUNNED BY THE TRAGEDY’ in one paper, ‘IN GREAT PERIL’ in another.  One horrific September terrorist attack , in the United States, sent the stock market reeling and sparked anti-immigrant sentiment.  Another attack, in Madrid, plunged Spanish politics into turmoil over issues of war and peace.  Politicians in the U.S. took to describing the war on terror as a struggle of good versus evil, while some religious leaders, quoting scripture, proclaimed that the end of the world was on hand.

“The year was 1901.

“As frightening as modern terrorism is, the bitter fear it generates would have been familiar to those alive at the turn of the 20th century.  A few decades before, Russian revolutionaries had killed Tsar Alexander II with a bomb in St. Petersburg.  In 1894 an Italian anarchist stabbed French president Sadi Carnot  In 1897 the Spanish prime minister was assassinated just as Cuba’s drive for independence was boiling over; within a year, Spain was at war with the United States.  And in 1901 William McKinley, President of the United States, was assassinated by a 28-year-old anarchist, Leon Czolgosz.  Thirteen years later, of course, a Serbian terrorist shot and killed Archduke Ferdinand, heir to the throne of Austria, and triggered World War I.       

“Obviously terrorism – defined here as the systematic use of murder, injury, and destruction, or the threat of such acts, aimed at achieving political ends – has the power to alter the course of history, as the 9/11 attacks in New York and Washington, last spring’s train bombings in Madrid, and bloodcurdling headlines from Israel and Iraq remind us today.  And with the additional threat posed by weapons of mass destruction, it does seem that humanity has crossed into a perilous new era, in which a new breed of terrorist, armed with fearsome new weapons, has acquired the means to challenge even the most powerful nations on Earth.

“How did the world come to this point?  What in the world has changed?

“Terrorism is as old as the story of mankind.  It appears in the history of ancient Greece and Rome – the murder of Julius Caesar was an act of terror – and in practically every century since then, and in every part of the world.  But much has changed in just the past century, starting with the choice of targets.  In the past the typical victim of terrorism was an emperor or a king, a president, a general, or at least a government official.  Terrorists would actually call off an attack in order to spare innocent lives, because indiscriminate killing was considered politically unwise.  Many of today’s terrorists feel no such inhibitions.

“Motives have also changed.  A century ago terrorism was mainly used by groups and individuals whose aims were revolutionary or anarchist or, in the case of Ireland and the Balkans, nationalist.  A look at the geography of terror around 1970 still showed the same basic trends – left-wing terrorism in Europe and Latin America; nationalist or separatist terrorism in Northern Ireland, Spain’s Basque region, and the Middle East; and a few right-wing terrorist groups in Italy, Turkey and other countries.

“Today, however, extreme Islamic groups such as al Qaeda have moved to the vanguard of global terrorism.  According to the CIA, al Qaeda or affiliated groups are operating in 68 countries worldwide  [ During the period July 1986 through September 1997 alone there were 101 reported acts of terrorism against 30 countries].  And while the 9/11 attacks in New York and Washington represent their most spectacular success to date [the World Trade Center bombings killed thousands of innocent civilians from 80 countries], other attacks have occurred in Morocco, Tunisia, Spain, Indonesia, the Philippines, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Chechnya, Iraq, and Russia – all since 9/11.  According to Osama bin Laden and other leaders, al Qaeda is motivated by the Islamic tradition of jihad, or holy war, to defend the faith against nonbelievers.  They see themselves as engaged in a global struggle against a corrupt and oppressive enemy, the West.

“Compare this with the motives of the Russian anarchists of 1881, or the Oklahoma City bombers, or Peru’s Shining Path, or the Irish Republican Army, or the Unabomber.  Obviously, terrorists have very little in common ideologically.  What they share is willingness to use the same brutal tactics to achieve their goals.

“They also are not, despite a popular misconception, driven to terrorism by personal poverty.  The leaders and many of the foot soldiers in the Islamic movements come from solidly middle-class backgrounds, and some, like bin Laden, from very wealthy families.  That’s not to say that social factors like poverty and despair don’t radicalize populations.  But hunger by itself does not necessarily lead to political violence; many of the world’s poorest nations report little or no terrorism. 

“Nor is it true that terrorism occurs in the most oppressive regimes.  There was little terrorism in Nazi Germany,  Stalinist Russia or Saddam Hussein’s Iraq.  Terrorism needs a certain amount of freedom to mobilize its supporters and to get organized; it suffocates in a dictatorship, which itself practices a form of terrorism, but wearing uniforms and insignia.      

“Hundreds of national and religious minorities in the world are persecuted; there are few nations, in fact, in which minorities do not feel oppressed.  But only a handful resort to terrorism, and here cultural and social traditions seem to play a role.  Certain human societies seem to tolerate violence more readily than others.  Why did the radical Basques in Spain choose terrorism while the Catalans followed a more peaceful path?  Why did the Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka engage in one of the longest and bloodiest terrorist campaigns in history, while the Muslims of Sri Lanka, also repressed, did not?

“Terrorism also seems to require charismatic leaders capable of inspiring recruits to face danger or death, and also to win the sympathy of the surrounding population.  In post=World War II Palestine, the Zionist terrorist groups Irgun and Stern Gang enjoyed support from parts of the Jewish community in Palestine and the U.S. and helped in driving out the British; an Irgun commander, Menachem Begin, was later elected prime minister of Israel.  Conversely, leaders of the Japanese group Aum Shinrikyo, which attacked the Tokyo subway with poison gas in 1995, had little support beyond their ranks – and today they languish in jail.

“What can be done to counter, or at least to defuse, the danger of terrorism in the future?  Some movements are open to political solutions – especially those demanding greater political autonomy, such as the Kurds in Turkey and the Chechens in Russia.  But the more radical groups like al Qaeda are not interested in compromises; they demand total victory.

“In the long term, such white-hot fanaticism may burn out and even disappear, making way for new kinds of zealotry.  But in the meantime, we are faced with one of the most dangerous passages in human history.  For the first time ever, terrorists – these small and unpredictable groups of people, stateless, tethered to no morality other than their own – have a potential for harm that defies the imagination, should weapons of mass destruction fall into their hands.  Civilization will prevail – it always has – but there can be no final victory in the ‘war on terror,’ which, in one form or another, will continue as long as there are conflicts on Earth.”

Excerpts from an article, World of Terror, prepared by Walter Laqueur for National Geographic, November 2004 issue.

November 2004


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