Sunday, November 9, 2014

Goldilocks - II

Finding Kepler 22b in 2011was a pleasant surprise for all astronomers.  The details of this discovery were covered in my essay Goldilocks where I reviewed the efforts of the United States, both government and private organizations, to locate such exoplanets and exomoons as may exist and to determine whether the found exoplanets and exomoons were in the Goldilocks zone and habitable.  My earlier essay discussed the possibility that this first of over 500 planetary bodies currently found may meet this requirement, but  It was reluctantly concluded that the information in hand was too preliminary and that much continuing research was needed before conclusions could be drawn.  In the meantime, reading and writing about Kepler 22b generated some speculative thoughts in my mind which I have made the subject of this essay Goldilocks – II.    

Now that astronomers have found Kepler 22b they will spend endless hours over many years studying the planet in an attempt to pry loose its secrets.  At the moment, there is little that we know.  Until our technology makes some extraordinary advances in space travel, our methods of study will be limited to Earth-bound and orbiting telescopes from which we will attempt to broaden our knowledge.  What is really needed is a robotic spacecraft capable of traveling to Kepler 22b and returning to Earth with photos and scientific evidence in a reasonable period of time – a greatly advanced version of the probe that is currently orbiting and studying Vesta.  Unfortunately, such a craft is not possible even if one could be designed.

Kepler 22b is 600 light years from Earth.  If it were possible to design a spacecraft capable of light speed, it would take 600 years to fly from Earth to Kepler 22b and an additional 600 years to return for a round trip total of 1,200 years.  In reality, a one-way trip would take more than 600 years since the craft could only accelerate for 300 years after which it must decelerate for 300 years in order to be able to enter an orbit around Kepler 22b to collect data.  That means the average speed must be light-speed, but an average speed of light is impossible since it would require averaging speeds both slower and faster than light-speed and nothing can exceed the speed of light.  This inability increases the time of flight from 1,200 years to something substantially greater than 1,200 years by a factor not under consideration in this essay.  To this flight time must be added the time in orbit needed to collect data.  In addition, the relativistic effects on time must be added to the flight time.  It is clear that the described robotic mission to Kepler 22b is out of the question.  One might suggest that the spacecraft could be left in orbit, never to return to Earth, and the collected data be transmitted.  There would be no benefit to such an arrangement since in this example both the returning craft and the transmitted data would function at light-speed. 

 There is one additional option available.  On the return trip to Earth, the spacecraft could be allowed to continuing travel at light-speed and when it approaches Earth, continue past Earth at light speed while burst-transmitting the collected data to an Earth station, similar to what was done with our satellites when spying on the Soviet Union during the cold war.  Of course, the vehicle would be lost and only the data recovered.  There would be little gained by this option since a period of in excess of 1,200 years would still be necessary, as would happen with all such options, with more than 1,200 years passing before completion of the mission.

So, where does that leave us?

Imagine that time has passed and it is now a date in the far future – possibly centuries from now.  Man has expanded his knowledge exponentially and, among his achievements, has developed a means of super-position for long distance travel.  My essay Stranger than Fiction discusses this concept and the state of progress in today’s research laboratories.  While there has been progress, we are ages away from developing a practical, usable system.  Never-the-less, assuming that the program is successful, in application, a device would replace the spacecraft.  This device would not include engines or fuel or any equipment needed by the spacecraft for its flight.  It would have a cargo bay filled with instruments for recording Kepler 22b data.  Because of these changes the device would be substantially smaller than the spacecraft.  In operation, using the super position concept, the device would be transported to the orbit of Goldilocks where it would function as would have the spacecraft.  Collected information would be transmitted to Earth.  Alas, the problem of light-speed suffered by the spacecraft would apply equally to the device and it still would take in excess of 600 years for the return trip to accomplish its tasks.  

What now?

Well before the discovery of the Goldilocks planets, NASA was keenly aware of man’s inability to reach the stars within a lifetime.  Chemical power plants were totally out of the picture, not having power enough to remotely approach the required speeds.  Nuclear and ion power systems were not much better.  What was needed was a new, possibly radical concept to achieve the obvious goals.

Different teams broadly discussed and compared options that appeared to be available with little success primarily because present day technology wasn’t sufficiently advanced.  It was like using 19th century and earlier knowledge to solve 20th century problems.  A second “blue sky” review was conducted which led to two options that were then considered in more detail.

One program that was funded was the study of an unmanned “one-way spacecraft” for interstellar travel.  While this program is currently under consideration through the design stage, no craft will be built.  It is not expected to be anything more than an effort to advance technology that would be made available for future programs.  It definitely isn’t expected to solve the problem of time in travel to the stars.  This program is in progress and is expected to be funded through completion.

The second program has less to do with interstellar devices and is concentrated on existing concepts in the astrophysical sciences.  Investigators planned Initial reviews to study gravity and gravity waves and apply the results to a means of warping space time to overcome the restrictions on interstellar space travel caused by light speed limitations and increase the speed of a spacecraft beyond light speed without violating relativity.  Why choose gravity for this study?  Of all the known forces acting in our universe, gravity is the weakest by several magnitudes.  Being the weakest force it should be the one most capable of being manipulated. However (there always is a however), there is much going on in our universe that we know little about that could have a bearing on these and future studies – dark energy, for example.  This second program is at a very preliminary stage and has yet to be funded beyond initial review, but the first part, that of studying gravity, will start in early January 2012 with twin satellites orbiting our Moon to measure the strength of Moon gravity through to the central core.

In the pre-Einstein era gravity was simply the attraction of two or more objects in space:  The larger the mass, the greater the attraction.  Enter Einstein and his general theory of relativity where he noted that while a body moving through an undisturbed plane would continue in a straight line in the plane until acted upon by some force, such as would be caused by another body entering the plane, space in the plane would become curved by the entering body and the first body would be attracted to the entering body by the curved space in a manner similar to that of a whirlpool in a body of water or think of the plane as a rubber sheet which bends under the mass of the object(s) placed upon it.  Studies of gravity to date have been unable to detect what is currently referred to as gravity waves.  Never-the-less, it is the intent of NASA to conduct the proposed study of gravity in their effort to find a means of warping space time for possible interstellar travel.

The concept being considered by NASA is so preliminary that it is doubtful, assuming success, that what NASA achieves will even remotely resemble what is proposed in these early stages of research. Only with the success of the gravity study or some similar parallel study effort and the production of positive information supporting the development of the proposed warping device, will the research and design of the device be undertaken.  When these early goals have been achieved and the device completed, what will we have?

For purposes of this example, the device would be carried on an advanced form of spacecraft capable of light speed or speeds approaching light speed.  In operation, the craft would approach a region of space devoid of physical objects with the device turned off.  See Sketch (a).  In the sketch, five horizontal lines represent normal space.

At a chosen moment, when the craft is at 5 in Sketch (a), the device would be turned on and space-time would be warped so that space being entered by the craft would be compressed.  See Sketch (b).  The five lines of space, dotted lines in Sketch (b), are now shown curved and compressed due to the action of the warping device.  The spacecraft is shown at position 5 as it enters warped space and at position 4 as it reaches the maximum limit of compressed space.  The distance 1-5 in sketch (b) is shown to be less than originally shown in sketch (a), about less than half in this example. 
                                                            Warped Space
Sketch (a) – Normal Space

Sketch (b) – Warped Space
       .  .  .   .   .              1                  .   .   .   .   .
  .           2             .
.        3         .
                .     4      .                

After having traversed compressed space, the craft would be at 1 in Sketch (b) and the device would be turned off permitting compressed space to return to normal space with the craft remaining at 1.  In effect, the craft would have traveled the distance 1-5 in sketch (b) in less than half the time necessary in sketch (a) and the craft would have achieved, in this example, an effective speed in excess of light speed without violating relativity.  The numbers used in this example were only chosen to illustrate the concept and should not be considered real nor should the concept be considered as anything more than a theory currently under consideration.     

Whether or not NASA will be successful is a big question, but if one considers the progress of science over the past century or even the past decade, how can you say they will fail?

SETI: The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence.
Kepler: About the Mission.
Notable Exoplanets: The Planetary Society.

November 2014


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